The climatology and classification of coastal storms on the Southeastern coast of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil
Storm power index, Extratropical cyclones, Coastal orientation, Shallow water energy dissipationAbstract
The storm risks in coastal regions have drawn attention worldwide in recent decades. Understanding the
characteristics and behavior of these events and their potential damage to coasts has become essential for
decision-making and coastal management. This study aimed to identify and examine the climatology of coastal
storms on the central coast of the state of Rio de Janeiro, proposing a classification and a coastal impact
evaluation that applies Dolan and Davis’ (1992) storm index. For this, 34 years of NOAA/NCEP/NCAR hindcast
wave database were used (1979 - 2013). Secondarily, this study aimed to compare wave data at two locations
(the south-orientated west and the east-northeast-orientated east coasts) to verify the influence of coastal
orientation against storm events. This research found 231 storm events on the west coast and 44 on the east
coast. While mean durations resembled each other (at around 27 hours), the east coast had a 9% lower mean
storm wave height. The storm peak direction from the south predominated on the west coast (52%), whereas a
south-southeast direction dominated the east coast (50%). Storm classification showed 3.4 and 9% of storms
considered Extreme in the west and east, respectively. Extreme storms include those in September 1983, May
1997, May 2001, and April 2010. Coastal storms on the west and east represented 2.39 and 0.57% of all
cyclones identified in the southwestern Atlantic. In shallow waters, the highest amount of energy dissipation
occurred on the east coast, which is sheltered from storms from the south-southwest but is exposed to those
from the south-southeast. Extreme and Severe events greatly impacted the coast, including beach and dune
erosion, overwash, and property damage. However, even coastal storms considered Weak caused considerable
coastal damage.
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