Evaluation of the potential for greenhouse gas (CO2 , CH4 ) emissions in the southern São Paulo coastal region, Cananéia-Iguape system
Methane, Carbon dioxide, Estuary, GHG, Microportable gas analyzersAbstract
The emissions of CH4
and CO2
, the primary greenhouse gases, have a significant impact on radiative forcing.
This study investigated these gases along the Cananéia-Iguape estuarine system on the southern coast
of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, which is a mangrove region characterized by low anthropogenic impact
and a sparse population. As such, this area provides an ideal location for identifying natural emissions and
background concentrations. The data for this study were collected using a portable gas analyzer (LGRICOSTM GLA131), known for its high sensitivity and precision in detecting gases, mounted on a research
boat. The results obtained were promising for both gases. A small variability in CH4
concentrations was
observed along the route, ranging from 1.84 ppm to 1.95 ppm, while CO2
, showed greater variation in
values obtained during routes, ranging from approximately 411 ppm to 575 ppm. This study underscores
the importance of investigating areas with minimal environmental impact. Together with future analyses, this
research should help improve Greenhouse Gas (GHG) inventories in Brazil by providing valuable baseline
data for comparisons with more impacted areas.
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