Feeding habits of the South Pacific hake, Merluccius gayi, in Ecuador, Tropical Eastern Pacific Ocean


  • Ana R. Hernández-Téllez Hernández-Téllez
  • Jacqueline M. Cajas-Flores
  • Alfredo Ordiano-Flores
  • Marcos D. Calle-Morán
  • Robert J. Bucheli-Quiñonez




Feeding habits, Length-body mass relationship, Mesopredator, Diet overlap, Trophic level


The South Pacific hake, Merluccius gayi, is an ecologically and economically important species in Ecuador.
However, studies regarding its feeding habits remain scarce. This study aimed to characterize the food and
feeding habits of M. gayi in the Ecuadorian Pacific Ocean by sex, sexual maturity stages, size classes, and years.
Hakes obtained (n = 2993) from industrial fishing (captured with seine nets) were analyzed from September 2013
to December 2014. Their diet was composed of 27 prey species. The most important prey was the euphausiid
Nyctiphanes simplex (52%) and the same hake species (M. gayi; 31%) according to the prey-specific index
of relative importance (%PSIRI), making this species a cannibal predator. Results show no significant dietary
differences between female and male hakes or immature and mature males, but found differences between
immature and mature females and individuals from four size classes and hake between 2013 and 2014.
According to Levin’s Index, the species showed a low trophic niche breadth (Bi = 0.03), making it a selective
specialist mesopredator with high specialization. The trophic overlap analysis based on Jaccard’s index by sex
was low (J = 0.23) for indetermined individuals, moderate (J = 0.59) for males and females, and high (J = 0.78)
for immature females and males; moderate values were noted for size classes (J  =  0.42-0.63) and low for
years (J = 0.31). Based on the Cortés index, the trophic level totaled (TLk = 3.22), indicating that this species is
a primary and secondary carnivore mesopredator. This information supports the understanding of the relations
between predators and prey and the flow of nutrients and energy in marine ecosystems, which serve as a base
for ecosystemic fishing management.


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How to Cite

Feeding habits of the South Pacific hake, Merluccius gayi, in Ecuador, Tropical Eastern Pacific Ocean. (2024). Ocean and Coastal Research, 72. https://doi.org/10.1590/