Community structure of the benthic macrofauna along the continental slope of Santos Basin and São Paulo plateau, SW Atlantic.


  • Rafael Bendayan de Moura
  • Adriana Galindo Dalto
  • Ilana de Azevedo Sallorenzo
  • Daniel Leite Moreira
  • Helena Passeri Lavrado



Brazilian margin, Baseline study, Deep-sea, Macrobenthos, Self-Organizing Map


Continental margins usually have a high degree of environmental heterogeneity, which, in turn, promotes high
benthic biodiversity. The South-Southeast regions concentrate the most well-mapped areas of the Brazilian
continental margin regarding seafloor geomorphology and physical oceanography. However, the structure of
the soft-sediment benthic fauna of the continental slope is still unknown. Characterization and understanding
of the Brazilian continental slope biota are imperative since human activities are increasing in the last decades,
especially after the discovery of the pre-salt reservoir in Santos Basin. In this study, we aimed to establish
a baseline of the spatial distribution of the benthic macrofaunal communities regarding their latitudinal and
bathymetric patterns in the Santos Basin to support future environmental monitoring activities in the region.
As  part of the Santos Project – The Santos Basin Regional Environmental Characterization (PCR-BS)  –
coordinated by CENPES/PETROBRAS, a benthic oceanographic cruise was carried out in 2019. Sediment
samples were collected using a GOMEX-type box corer in 47 stations distributed in eight transects (400–
2,400 m depth range). In total, 12 additional stations (1,300–2,200 m) were defined to cover an area where oil
and gas are exploited. Our results showed that macrofaunal assemblages of the Santos Basin present strong
depth zonation related to changes in organic matter input, as well as to temperature, carbonate, and grain
size. At local scale, the northern sector stood out for having a higher abundance of macrofauna in the upper
slope (400 m) and it probably reflects the oceanographic processes and the organic enrichment caused by the
upwelling events that occur at Cabo Frio region. The zonation pattern and the dominance of some polychaete,
peracarid crustacean, and bivalve families were similar to other SE Brazilian continental margins.


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How to Cite

Community structure of the benthic macrofauna along the continental slope of Santos Basin and São Paulo plateau, SW Atlantic. (2024). Ocean and Coastal Research, 71(Suppl. 3).