Multi-indicators of environmental pollution in the Olaria system, Cananéia, São Paulo (SP), Brazil


  • Gisele Luiz da Silva
  • Vitor Gonsalez Chiozzini
  • Elisabete de Santis Braga
  • Juliana de Souza Azevedo



Water quality, Biomarkers, Fish, Estuary, Escherichia coli


The assessment of water quality using multiple abiotic and biological indicators is very important for understanding
anthropogenic impacts and the health of the ecosystem. The Olaria is a short river system that flows into the Cananéia
estuary. This aquatic system crosses the urban center of the city of Cananéia, where it eventually receives untreated
domestic wastewater. This study aims to apply multi-indicators of environmental pollution to understand the influence of
the Olaria system on the Cananéia estuary. For this purpose, indicators of water quality and genotoxic and pathological
responses in fish were used. Data on salinity, pH, and silicates in surface water indicate a more accentuated
continental influence in the inner part of the Olaria river system. Moreover, the data recorded on the inner area of the
Olaria system, which presents lower hydrodynamic characteristics and the largest urban population, indicated the
presence of dissolved oxygen and nutrients (phosphate [P-PO4
-3], nitrite [N-NO2
], and ammonium [N-NH4
]) at levels
that exceed the established limits for water quality by the Brazilian environmental legislation (Conselho Nacional
do Meio Ambiente - CONAMA). The presence of Escherichia coli in all analyzed water samples indicates a local
or point source of domestic wastewater contamination near the Olaria system. Fish species such as Centropomus
undecimalis (Robalo Flexa) and Sphoeroides testudineus (Baiacu Pintado) showed toxicogenetic damage, indicating
clastogenic and/or aneugenic exposure in the aquatic environment. Hepatic pathologies such as pyknosis nuclei,
inflammation, hepatocyte swelling, and necrosis were found in all specimens evaluated, and C. undecimallis exhibited
all these pathological changes. These results highlight the importance of biomonitoring the effects of anthropogenic
disturbance on the aquatic biota that frequent the Olaria system and are dependent on the water quality.


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How to Cite

Multi-indicators of environmental pollution in the Olaria system, Cananéia, São Paulo (SP), Brazil. (2024). Ocean and Coastal Research, 71(Suppl. 1).