Anthropogenic influence on silicon behavior in an estuary member of the Biosphere Reserve in Southeastern Brazil


  • Ana Teresa C. C. Bastos
  • Elisabete S. Braga



Silicon Biogeochemistry, Silicate, Lithogenic Silica, Biogeonic Silica, Estuaries, Valo Grande


The Cananéia-Iguape estuarine-lagoon complex (CIELC), located in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, is considered
an area of the Biosphere Reserve. However, an artificial channel built in the northern sector of the system
(Iguape) has promoted an unnatural input of fresh water into the system, leading to enhanced drainage of
terrestrial material into the estuary and influencing silicon biogeochemistry within the complex. This study used
the distribution of different fractions of silicon along the system as a proxy for the freshwater input. The samples
were collected during August, 2012 (winter) and February 2013 (summer) and analyzed for dissolved silicate,
biogenic silica, and lithogenic silica. Dissolved silicate reached values above 200 µmol L-1 in the two seasonal
periods, indicating the constant supply of terrestrial material in the northern sector of the system associated with
fresh water. Southward, where the system is more preserved (Cananéia-Ararapira), the concentration decreased
dramatically. Lithogenic silica (LSi) reached extremely high values of ~700 µmol L-1. Biogenic silica (BSi) showed
concentrations up to 120 µmol L-1 with distribution more dependent on assimilation processes and the nature
of the biological communities than on the source of fresh water. The availability of different forms of Si revealed
remineralization, deposition, adsorption, and uptake mechanisms with different dynamics in the northern and
southern sectors of the system, evidencing the environmental impact by the Valo Grande Channel.


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How to Cite

Anthropogenic influence on silicon behavior in an estuary member of the Biosphere Reserve in Southeastern Brazil. (2024). Ocean and Coastal Research, 71(Suppl. 1).