Spatio-temporal distribution of the swordfish Xiphias gladius (Linnaeus, 1758) caught by the Brazilian longline fleet
Industrial fishing, Generalized additive mixed models, Migration pattern, Pelagic fisheries, South atlanticAbstract
Studies relating the populational structure of target species to operational and environmental variables contribute
directly to the management of the fisheries in these resources. Therefore, this study aimed to provide data
on fishing and ecology of the swordfish (Xiphias gladius) caught by the Brazilian longline fleet operating in
the western Atlantic between 2010 and 2016. Generalized additive mixed models were used to evaluate the
relationship between explanatory variables and responses based on Catch Per Unit of Effort (CPUE) data.
Results show that the Brazilian longline fleet catches the swordfish mostly between latitudes of 5°N to 30°S and
longitudes of 20° to 50°W and that the swordfish prefers temperatures under 25°C at depths below 60 meters.
The species showed a tendency toward intermediate light intensity, predominating in the crescent moon phase,
and a preference for areas with low chlorophyll concentrations. Our findings on operational and environmental
interactions with swordfish CPUE suggest areas and times that can be used by fishing fleets and government
institutions as a starting point for swordfish management strategies.
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