Aesthetic and poetic intersections in contemporary artivism: computational, audio-visual, and generative art


  • Pedro Alves da Veiga Universidade Aberta



Multisensoriality, Synaesthesia, Activism, Media convergence


This study aims to explore the intersections between image and sound and aesthetics and poetics in the new generative and activist digital artistic formats. For this, we analyze the creation of two audiovisual and generative computational artworks which simultaneously constitute socially intervening artworks. By studying these significant examples, this text proposes a systematic approach to analyze and create these works, including participatory aspects which are more characteristic of activism and less so of artistic creation. With this analysis, we will attempt to highlight the role different media can play in communication processes and the aesthetic (sensory) and poetic (cognitive and communicational) impacts made possible by their joint use.


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Author Biography

  • Pedro Alves da Veiga, Universidade Aberta

    Doutorado em Média-Arte Digital pela Universidade do Algarve e Universidade Aberta. É Professor Auxiliar Convidado na Universidade Aberta, e Subdiretor do Doutoramento em Média-Arte Digital. É membro integrado do Centro de Investigação em Artes e Comunicação. Os seus interesses de investigação estão na fronteira entre arte, ciência e tecnologia. Desenvolve prática artística em assemblage, arte generativa e audiovisuais digitais e tem exposto as suas obras em Portugal, Brasil, Espanha, Itália, Holanda, Roménia, Rússia, China, Tailândia e EUA.


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How to Cite

Veiga, P. A. da. (2023). Aesthetic and poetic intersections in contemporary artivism: computational, audio-visual, and generative art. Novos Olhares, 11(2), 102-110.