Pacifica Radio and community broadcasting in the U.S.


  • David King Dunaway University of New Mexico



Pacifica Radio, structuration theory, public broadcast, bureaucracy


The Pacifica Radio Network has served as a template for community broadcasting, introducing listener-sponsorship, the program guide, and key fund-raising techniques. This article offers a critical reading of the Pacifica Foundation’s history, based on the social theory of Max Weber and Anthony Giddens. Over the second half of the 20th Century, crises at the Pacifica Radio Network have been reported around the world. What are the root causes of these tensions? And what do they tell us about the production and distribution of radical, community-oriented media?


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Author Biography

  • David King Dunaway, University of New Mexico

    Professor do Departamento de Língua e Literatura Inglesa da Universidade do Novo México. Radiodocumentarista premiado por trabalhos como Pete Seeger: how can I keep from singing (2009), Across the tracks: a Route 66 story (2002) e Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (1999). Produziu documentários radiofônicos para emissoras como National Public Radio, Public Radio International, BBC World Service, Canadian Broadcast Company (CBC) e Danish Radio.


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How to Cite

Dunaway, D. K. (2018). Pacifica Radio and community broadcasting in the U.S. Novos Olhares, 7(1), 7-21.