Translator, remixer: translating Amanhã numa boa, by Faïza Guène


  • Luciana Persice Nogueira Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro


Mots-clés :

FCC, Faïza Guène, Amanhã numa boa


This is an account of my experience, as a professional translator, of translating Faïza Guène’s novel Amanhã numa boa (Nova Fronteira, 2006) from the original French text Kiffe kiffe demain (Hachette Littératures, 2004). Guène is a young author of Maghrebin origin. She writes in a colloquial language that mixes a familiar register (used by the French in general) and different types of slang – from the most widely known and used, to FCC (Français contemporain des cités), including words and expressions from the beur universe – in an urban and popular verbal environment found in big cities’ suburbs. We analyze the difficulties of finding an equivalent local register in Brazil (even in big cities) and of trying to create this equivalence, amongst other aspects concerning the transposition from one language to the other, as well as from one culture to the other.



Biographie de l'auteur

  • Luciana Persice Nogueira, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

    Professora de Língua e Literaturas de Língua Francesa do Setor de Francês do Instituto de Letras da UERJ. Pós-doutorado em Literatura Francesa pela UFRJ.


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GUÈNE, Faïza. Amanhã numa boa. Tradução de Luciana Persice Nogueira. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 2006, 175p.

GUÈNE, Faïza. Kiffe Kiffe demain. Paris: Hachette, 2004, 189p.

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Comment citer

Nogueira, L. P. (2018). Translator, remixer: translating Amanhã numa boa, by Faïza Guène. Non Plus, 7(13), 31-44.