Eros and greece at the heart of trheenouvelles orientales by yourcenar



Mots-clés :

Marguerite Yourcenar, Nouvelles Orientales, greek archaic poetry, eros


The present article intends to analyse the erotic theme in the following nouvelles by Marguerite Yourcenar: “Le sourire de Marko”, “Le dernier amour du prince Genghi” and “La veuve Aphrodissia”. Originally written apart, the three narratives were reunited in 1938 and published in an anthology named Nouvelles Orientales. It is one of her works of youth in which eros is one of the main themes. The purpuse of this study is to show how the way in which passion and love portraited by Yourcenar in these texts creates an intimate dialogue with the representation of eros in archaic greek poetry, including Safo’s lyric. Thus, the present study approaches aspects of eros in epic poetry and greek lyric analysing them comparatively with the narratives of Marguerite Yourcenar, with the purpose of verifying in which way the author recreates this classic representation of eros, in the XXth century, thus legitimazing her writing of passion and physical love.




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Comment citer

Chauvel, T. (2018). Eros and greece at the heart of trheenouvelles orientales by yourcenar. Non Plus, 7(Especial), 127-147.