The love of details: watching Breaking Bad



Parole chiave:

Television series, Breaking Bad, new forms of audience, details


The most innovative television series take advantage of new audience forms that make the fictional tend to the ludic and give to the act of watching the aspect of a game. With the functions of freezing or enlarging the details, the new visualization instruments allow the viewer to participate a little more of the creative acts, while at the same time can enjoy a recreational activity. The analysis of Breaking Bad in this article demonstrates these possibilities, highlighting how the “granularity” of the minimum unit of a television work has changed, in order to address a new kind of spectator. This spectator should be able to analyze the details of image and soundtrack to understand or taste the series.


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Biografia autore

  • François Jost, Universidade Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3
    Professor de Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication na Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3. Coordena, desde 2012, o laboratório de Comunicação Informação Mídias

Riferimenti bibliografici

ARASSE, D. Le Détail: pour une histoire rapprochée de la peinture. Paris: Flammarion, 2009.

BARTHES, R. Introduction à l’analyse du récit. Communication, Paris, n. 4, 1964.

ECO, U. Les limites de l’interprétation. Paris: Grasset, 1992.

JOST, F.; CHATEAU, D. Nouveau cinéma, nouvelle sémiologie. Paris: UGE; 10/18, 1979.






Come citare

Jost, F. (2017). The love of details: watching Breaking Bad. MATRIZes, 11(1), 25-37.