Another approximation to the Spanish series Cuéntame cómo pasó: the special episodes



Mots-clés :

Television, Spanish fiction, history, documentary, Cuéntame cómo pasó


The television series Cuéntame cómo pasó (2001-) employs both fiction and a documentar approach to create a telling portrait of the final years of the Franco dictatorship in Spain and the transition of the country to Democracy through a protagonist family named Los Alcántara (The Alcántara). From the more than 250 broadcasted episodes the object of analysis in this article is the episodes that are considered as special, those which investigate the cultural meaning of the era through the universe created in the series. This focus enables us to understand how the dramatic force of Cuéntame como pasó permits the creation of diverse and individual episodes, thanks to the continuous self-referential dramatic games at play.



Biographie de l'auteur

  • Laura García Pousa, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
    Roteirista, doutora em História do Cinema pela Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, professora na Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. É autora do livro Cuéntame como pasó (2015).


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Em Pauta/Agenda

Comment citer

Pousa, L. G. (2017). Another approximation to the Spanish series Cuéntame cómo pasó: the special episodes. MATRIZes, 11(2), 229-247.