Author Guidelines

1. The journal MATRIZes accepts original and unpublished works (of individual or collective authorship), in a continuous flow. The publication is subject to the evaluation of reviewers and the Editorial Committee. Articles previously presented at congresses and published in Annals must have alterations that guarantee new information, so that the originality content is not harmed. Authors of articles of this type must explain, in the comments to the editor, what the changes consisted of, so that the journal can evaluate whether or not they accept the work. Other types of non-original articles, that is, already published, will only be accepted in case of an out-of-print edition or translation into a language other than the original. Works signed by doctors, in single authorship or in co-authorship with doctoral students will be evaluated. This restriction does not apply to the submission of reviews, which can be signed by doctoral students.

a) All papers received are subject to prior review by the Editorial Committee to evaluate the pertinence of the submission, regarding the scope and norms of the journal. The works then approved are sent, in a blind evaluation system (without reference to authorship), for the evaluation of referees, members of the Scientific Council or ad hoc referees. In the possession of the opinions, the article is evaluated is evaluated by the Editorial Committee. Subsequently, the author is sent a response of acceptance, modification or refusal. Modifications for resubmission will be subject to the same article submission process. After receiving the acceptance response and the preparation of the text, the author must provide within a maximum of one month the version of the article in English to be made available on the MATRIZes magazine website. Failure to submit the English version of the article will result in non-publication of the article.
b) As a general rule, after publishing text in MATRIZes, the author must observe a period of two years before being submitted again. Exceptional cases (reviews or replicas, for example) will be analyzed by the Editorial Committee of the journal.
c) The opinions expressed in the articles are the responsibility of the authors.
d) Submissions in Portuguese must observe the New Orthographic Agreement (decree nº 6.583).

a) They should be typed in a Word editor with a page in A4 format, in Times New Roman font, body 12, with a line spacing of 1.5. Citations and references must be prepared following the standards of APA.
b) They should be 15 to 25 pages long, for essays and critical-analytical articles.
c) They must present a title in Portuguese and English, respecting the limit of 74 characters with space for each of them.

a) They must have 5 to 10 lines with a maximum of 740 characters (including spaces) and 3 to 5 keywords, typed in body 10. Translate the abstract in English: the abstract must respect the maximum limit of 740 Characters with spaces from 3 to 5 keywords.

a) They must have their own title (in Portuguese and English, respecting the limit of 42 characters with space for each of them), different from the title of the work reviewed, followed by the abstract with keywords, abstract and keywords.
The title should include the full references of the work being reviewed. The review should be 3 to 5 pages long.

a) Reproduction of illustrations is the sole responsibility of the author. Images must be recorded in TIF or EPS format, with a minimum of 300 DPI. For videos to be inserted in the digital edition, these must be on the internet platform.

a) The articles must be submitted by website: