The differences of midialogy’s communication




Communication, information, epistemology, technical means, medialogy


This study aims to analyze the differences between media and medialogy to reach the matrices that are writing a new epistemology of communication. The study of medialogy contemplates investigative views based on the characteristics of Western civilizations developed amid communicative practices of administrative utilitarian use until taking on another investigative aspect within the contemporary and under the influence of digital media. This media is rooted in the observation of political dimensions of communication that reach greater complexity and demand in their investigative paths, presenting another epistemological aspect, which, through dialogue, overcomes the linearity of communication as a scientific area that is more persuasive than social.


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Author Biography

  • Lucrécia D’Alessio Ferrara, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

    Full Professor of the Graduate Program in Communication and Semiotics at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Head of Espaço Comunicação Cultura research group.


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How to Cite

Ferrara, L. D. (2020). The differences of midialogy’s communication. MATRIZes, 14(1), 23-40.