Television beyond itself in Latin America




Television, Miscegenation, Magical realism, Solitude, Culture


Television in Latin America continues to be an important medium for the population; politics, history, the market, and especially the culture and its audiences keep television alive. In spite of the fact that millennials enjoy television from several screens, television contents remain as a reference in everybody’s audiovisual experiences. With changes in its reception, production, programming, and business models, television booms, instead of disappearing, amplifying itself into the televisual medium, keeping itself as a multicultural experience, and as a unique opportunity for its audiences’ reinvention of themselves.


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Author Biographies

  • Guillermo Orozco, Universidad de Guadalajara

    Professor and researcher of Universidad de Guadalajara.

  • Toby Miller, Universidad del Norte

    Professor and researcher of Universidad del Norte.


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How to Cite

Orozco, G., & Miller, T. (2018). Television beyond itself in Latin America. MATRIZes, 12(3), 59-75.