Audiovisual industry and the structural factors of the television crisis




Political economy of communication, television, audiovisual industry, video on demand


This article analyzes the current state of traditional television financing resources, detecting a critical situation in its three main sources (advertising, signatures and service charges). Next, it discusses the most dynamic part of the television sector: Video on Demand (VoD) and Subscription Video on Demand (SVoD) services, which could generate new resources for audiovisual production. However, the analysis of the catalogs of these services shows a low supply of European films compared to the United States. Thus, as on other occasions, the development of new television services and new business models could be a missed opportunity for the European audiovisual industry.


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Author Biography

  • Giuseppe Richeri, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano

    Emeritus Professor, University of Lugano

    Former Dean of the Communication Sciences Faculty

    Former director of Media and Journalism Institute

    Professor of Media Economy, Communication University of China, Beijing



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How to Cite

Richeri, G. (2017). Audiovisual industry and the structural factors of the television crisis. MATRIZes, 11(1), 13-24.