Mediatization studies

causalities, centralities, interdisciplinarities




Mediatization, mediation, meta-process


Aiming to take part in the debate regarding the mediatization concept, this article analyzes its contributions to communication and media studies. We set off in this path by analyzing the media as an environment in contemporary life, and then discuss core issues in this study field: the relationships among the media and their causality and centrality in the theories that conceptualize their relationship with society, as well as its interdisciplinary relevance.


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Author Biography

  • Rita Figueiras, Universidade Católica Portuguesa
    Professora associada e coordenadora do doutorado em Ciências da Comunicação da Universidade Católica Portuguesa.


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Em Pauta/Agenda

How to Cite

Figueiras, R. (2017). Mediatization studies: causalities, centralities, interdisciplinarities. MATRIZes, 11(1), 101-126.