Redefining Islamic fundamentalism in the face of the globalization process: tracking origins
Islamic fundamentalism, Jihadism, Political IslamAbstract
In recent decades, the term “fundamentalismo” has become popular through various communication vehicles, using it to classify groups and organizations, mainly Islamic, involved in illicit actions, terrorist attacks and ultraconservative bias, which in a way use religion for their actions. This article seeks to review, clarify and understand the origins and strands of fundamentalism, especially when linked to Islam, which makes the task of “fining out” the concept of this syntagm complex, which is often confused with other denominations, such as political Islam, jihadism, salafism among others. Therefore, we propose a discussion about their meanings, a periodization of their uses and contexts and, finally, we suggest a kind of genealogy of these multiple terms from the analysis of the conceptions of several authors on the subject.
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