Paradigm and Exceptionalism in the Green Atlantic’s Racial Event


  • Victor Augusto da Cruz Pacheco Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas



Black Radical Thought, Racial Event, Afropessimism, Blackness, Black and Green Atlantic


This article aims to reflect on how the ambiguous, anomalous, and complex processes of Irish history expose the dynamics of antiblackness as paradigmatic for the concept of “Human” and the exceptionality of the Irish experience. Based on the theoretical framework of black radical thought (SILVA, 2019; WILDERSON III, 2010, 2020) and Irish historiography (KENNY, 2006; O’NEILL; LLOYD, 2010; OHLMEYER, 2023), I will explore the Irish presence in the Atlantic, considering the ambiguity and complexity of the Irish as victims and agents of colonial projects in the Americas and Africa, as well as Frederick Douglass’s visit to Ireland in the nineteenth century. Following the term “racial event” proposed by Denise Ferreira da Silva (2019), I argue that the Green Atlantic demonstrates (1) the exceptionality of the Irish case for the experience of whiteness, (2) the ruses of the analogy between the black and Irish experiences and (3) the paradigmatic position of antiblackness for the project of forming Irish identity and its inscription in the “human family”.


Author Biography

  • Victor Augusto da Cruz Pacheco, Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas

    Victor Augusto da Cruz Pacheco is a PhD candidate at the University of São Paulo, and his research, on blackness in contemporary Irish fiction, is financed by the São Paulo Research Foundation scholarship. He holds an MA (financed by Capes scholarship) and bachelor’s degrees in Portuguese and Spanish from the University of São Paulo. He was a visiting PhD student at the University of Limerick, Ireland, in 2022, and studied at the University of Buenos Aires in 2016. He is the editorial assistant of the ABEI Journal – The Brazilian Journal of Irish Studies and integrates the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusivity Sub-Committee of the International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures (IASIL).


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Ensaios de Curso

How to Cite

Pacheco, V. A. da C. (2024). Paradigm and Exceptionalism in the Green Atlantic’s Racial Event. Magma, 1(20), 173-182.

Funding data