Remote teaching in times of pandemic: reading and text production for children and youth




Teaching Literature, Creative Writing, Text production, Transmedia narratives, Reader Training


This paper presents two experience reports on the teaching of literature and text production within the transitional context generated by the Coronavirus pandemic. Students all over the world had their classroom lessons suspended, and there all those involved in teaching-learning process had to adapt their activities to a new model. The theme of “death” became part of everyday life and, thus, to approach such a difficult subject that was so present raised the need for discussion and reflection within the virtual classrooms. Promoting reading and text production in the context of pandemics brought the need to stimulate dialogues with the readers, establishing discussions about the meaning of death, about grief and longing. Focusing on these concerns, the teaching work proposed to first-semester college students, in a public institution in the state of Sao Paulo, the composition of short stories based on images created by the Senegalese photographer Alun be, in his African-inspired photo project, which unites the virtual world and the mythical past of African culture, in a process of integration between the mythical past and the present, punctuated by technology. In turn, students from the Elementary School II of the private educational system of the city of São Paulo produced verbal and non-verbal texts after reflections and debates promoted by the reading of books by Odilon Moraes, Viriato Correa and Beatriz Martín Vidal, establishing relations that dialogue with existential questions in evidence in the current context. Pierre Lévy, Nelly Novaes Coelho, Didi-Huberman and Roland Barthes offered the paths that illuminate the practices carried out during this period of synchronous classes, focused on reader training and text production.

Author Biographies

  • Sandra Trabucco Valenzuela, Fatec, FAM e UPM
    Post-doctoral degree in Comparative Studies by FFLCH, University of São Paulo (USP); PhD and Master in Hispanic-American Literature from FFLCH/USP; Bachelor and Licensed in Letters by FFLCH / USP; Specialist in Art History (Claretian) and Specialist in Cinema and Audiovisual Language (UBC). Professor at FATEC, FAM and UPM.
    Author of several books and scientific articles, official translator and translator of works in the areas of Pedagogy, Human Sciences, History, Theology and Arts. José Celestino Bourroul Literary Prize 2014, for the best book of the year given by the History Academy. Agito Cultural Award 2017, granted by the Legislative Assembly of Sao Paulo. Producer and hostess of the Mega Series program, Rádio Mega Brasil Online.
  • Regina Celia Ruiz, Universidade de São Paulo

    Mestre e Doutoranda em Literatura pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP), é docente do ensino
    Fundamental II e Médio da rede particular na cidade de São Paulo (SP) e membro do Grupo de Pesquisa
    Produções Literárias e Culturais para Crianças e Jovens da FFLCH-USP.


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How to Cite

VALENZUELA, Sandra Trabucco; RUIZ, Regina Celia. Remote teaching in times of pandemic: reading and text production for children and youth. Literartes, São Paulo, Brasil, v. 1, n. 14, p. 227–256, 2021. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2316-9826.literartes.2021.192308. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.