Aspects of the current discussion about the history and the origins of literary fairy tales

distributed authorship


  • André Ming Universidade de São Paulo



fairytales, dispersed authory, history and origins of fairytales


The issue of the authorship of literary fairy tales is complex and the discussion about the theme is far from settled. International authors not commonly explored in Brazilian articles and academic works on the subject, such as Ruth Bottigheimer, Jack Zipes, Martus and Pabst call into question the common sense that the authorship of these narratives represents essentially the “voice of the people” and point to a collective authorship which, as Pabst calls it, can be considered dispersed or distributed.

Author Biography

  • André Ming, Universidade de São Paulo

    Bacharel, licenciado, mestre e doutor em Letras pela Universidade de São Paulo.


ALMODÓVAR, A.R.; TAEGER, M. Chapeuzinho Vermelho: a verdadeira história. São Paulo: Callis, 2008.

BOTTIGHEIMER, R. Fairy tales: a new story. Nova York, Excelsior, 2009.

COELHO, N. N. O conto de fadas: símbolos, mitos, arquétipos. São Paulo: DCL, 2003.

DARNTON, R. O grande massacre dos gatos. São Paulo: Graal, 1986.

MARTUS, S. Die Brüder Grimm: eine Biographie. Berlim: Rowohlt, 2009.

PABST, S. Zerstreute Autorschaft: Anonymität als Autorisierungsfunktion Grimmscher Märchen. Fabula, 55 (1/2), 2014, p. 135-152.

VOLOBUEF, K. Os Irmãos Grimm e as raízes míticas dos contos de fadas. In: VOLOBUEF, K.; ALVAREZ, R. G. H.; WIMMER, N. (Orgs.). Dimensões do fantástico, mítico e maravilhoso. São Paulo: Cultura Acadêmica, 2011, p. 47-61.

ZIPES, J. Fairy tale as myth, myth as fairy tale. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1994.



How to Cite

MING, André. Aspects of the current discussion about the history and the origins of literary fairy tales: distributed authorship. Literartes, São Paulo, Brasil, v. 1, n. 11, 2019. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2316-9826.literartes.2019.160684. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.