Duhem's conception of the history of science as intellectual history - historiographical theses and the methodology of continuityand convergence
formal history, intellectual history, continuism, teleology, structural realismAbstract
The objective of this article is to present Duhem's conception of the history of science as intellectual history and defend the thesis that it is a continuistic and tel-eological conception with the function of providing the conception of science with a dynamic that guarantees the value of knowledge. In a subsidiary way, a second conception of history will be introduced: formal, more restrictive as it is the exclu-sive result of the logic and empirical basis of science, and will show that it is in this scenario that the history of science presents itself, firstly, as continuous and teleo-logical. This article is the development of another published elsewhere. We now argue that each of the conceptions of history, formal and intellectual, has its own natures and functions that reveal different resources from the methodological parts of the conception of the theory of science.
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