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Author Guidelines

The presentation of the originals will be made through the electronic submission system. Before submitting the original texts, new authors must register at the electronic address

After filling in all the information indicated with an asterisk, the new user must check the option “Register as Author: You can submit to the magazine” at the end of the form.

Collaborations for Khronos magazine must be unpublished, always sent in DOC or DOCX files, typed in Times New Roman 12, with 1.5 space between lines and 2.5cm margins.

In any type of contribution, do not personalize the style or use unnecessary marks in the text, such as indentation, italics, borders, bold etc.

References must follow the References Standardization indicated in the Guidelines for Authors of the journal. The list of references, in alphabetical order, at the end of the article, may be dispensed with if the references are contained in footnotes throughout the article, provided they are notes commenting on or expanding the cited bibliography.

For Chicago style citations (AUTHOR year, pages) or short references, in the body of the text, it is necessary to add the references at the end of the article according to the References Standardization in a bibliographic list .

Only long citations (about 400 characters with spaces or more) should be highlighted in the body of the text, with 4 cm indentation and font 11.

Any literal quotation must include, in the corresponding note, the page number on which it is found in the original reference.

Any acknowledgments may appear in an informative paragraph at the end of the text or may be inserted in a specific note.

Contributions must not contain traces of authorship. This serves to ensure blind peer review. All information about the author, including title, financial support received for research, address for correspondence and e-mail must be informed at the time of author registration. Any acknowledgments may appear in this informational paragraph or may be inserted in a specific note.

Articles, transcripts and commented translations from primary sources must have a title in the main language of the contribution and in English, and be accompanied by two abstracts (main language and English, each containing up to 700 characters with spaces) and three to five words key indicative of the content of the work (main language and English). For contributions of this type whose main language is English, it is mandatory to add a title, abstract and keywords in Portuguese.

In the case of essays and testimonials, the Editors will define the relevance of abstracts and keywords.

Reviews must include complete bibliographic information on the analyzed work.

Images must be digitalized at 300 dpi, in JPG format, and inserted in the body of the work. Legends and source/authorship (credits) are mandatory and must be included in the body of the work.

It is the authors' responsibility to provide authorization for the use of copyrighted images.

Submission and publication are free, and no monetary contribution is charged on any pretext.

Standardization of references:


Last name. Title of the book in italics: non-italic subtitle. Year of edition. City: Publisher, year. P. xxx (inform page number in case of quote).

Obs .: call in the text: (SURNAME, Year of edition, page).


Last name. Title of the chapter or part of the book. In: SURNAME, Name of the organizer (Org.). Title of the book in italics: non-italic subtitle. Translation. Edition. City: Publisher, year. P. xxx (inform page number in case of quote).

Obs .: call in the text: (SURNAME, Year of edition, page).



Last name. Title of the article. Title of the journal in italics, without abbreviation, v. ___, n. ___, P. x-y, month (if necessary) year. P. xxx (inform page number in case of quote).

Obs .: call in the text: (SURNAME, Year of edition, page).



Last name. Title of the thesis / dissertation in italics, without abbreviation. Type of work [Examples: “Dissertation (Master's)”, “Thesis (Doctorate”] - Name of Faculty or Institute, Name of University, City, Year.

Obs .: call in the text: (SURNAME, Year of defense, page).

After the first reference in a note to a work, the following must be made in the format SURNAME, year, op. cit., p. xxx [inform page number in case of citation], or, in the case of consecutive notes, only as Idem, p. xxx.


Conditions for submission

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify the submission's compliance with all items listed below. Submissions that do not comply with the rules will be returned to the authors.

  1. The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor".
  2. The submission file is in Microsoft Word or OpenOffice format (compatible with Microsoft Word).
    URLs for referrals were provided when possible.
  3. The text is in 1.5 space; uses a 12-point font; uses italics instead of underlining (except URL addresses); figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of attachments.
  4. The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in “Guidelines for Authors”, on the page About the Journal (
    In case of submission to a peer-reviewed section (eg articles), the instructions available at the journal's electronic address were followed.
  5. The author confirms that he has not published papers for indexed sections of this journal in the last 12 months.
Privacy policy
The names and addresses informed in the Khronos magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by the publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.

Submission Preparation Checklist

Todas as submissões devem atender aos seguintes requisitos.

  • A contribuição é original e inédita, e não está sendo avaliada para publicação por outra revista; caso contrário, deve-se justificar em "Comentários ao editor".
  • O arquivo da submissão está em formato Microsoft Word ou OpenOffice (compatível com Microsoft Word).
  • URLs para as referências foram informadas quando possível.
  • O texto está em espaço 1,5; usa uma fonte de 12-pontos; emprega itálico em vez de sublinhado (exceto em endereços URL); as figuras e tabelas estão inseridas no texto, não no final do documento na forma de anexos.
  • O texto segue os padrões de estilo e requisitos bibliográficos descritos em Diretrizes para Autores, na página Sobre a Revista.
  • Em caso de submissão a uma seção com avaliação pelos pares (ex.: artigos), as instruções disponíveis em Assegurando a avaliação pelos pares cega foram seguidas.
  • O autor confirma que não submeteu trabalhos para seções indexadas [ver políticas de seção] desta revista nos últimos 24 meses. 


Notícias de trabalho de pós-graduandos


Traduções comentadas de documentos e textos clássicos da historiografia.


Textos de cunho memorialístico sobre as instituições de ciências.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.