
  • Elsa Soares Universidade do Minho
  • Ana Serrano Universidade do Minho
  • Michael J. Guralnick University of Washington


Palabras clave:

Social adjustment, interpersonal relations, social behavior disorders, child behavior, content validation.


PURPOSE: adaptation and content validation of Section I of the scale “Assessment of Peer Relations” tothe Portuguese language. METHOD: section I was translated and back translated by experienced translators.The version of consensus was used in two pilot studies that indicated the necessity of linguistic improvements.After realizing these modifications, it was possible to gather an expert panel - composed by 8 researchersin early intervention and social interaction – who thoroughly discussed each item of section I. RESULTS: this research process was essential to deeply explore section I allowing, consequently, to perceive which modifications should be done in order to operationalize its use in Portuguese’s language and culture. CONCLUSIONS: the objective of this research was achieved and, consequently, it was possible to do theadaptation and the content validation to the Portuguese language concerning Section I of the scale“Assessment of Peer Relations”.


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Biografía del autor/a

  • Elsa Soares, Universidade do Minho
    Terapeuta da Fala – Doutoranda Instituto de Educação - Universidade do Minho – Centro de Investigação em Educação - Bolseira deInvestigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - SFRH / BD
  • Ana Serrano, Universidade do Minho
    Professora Associada - Universidade do Minho – Instituto de Educação - Centro de Investigação em Educação
  • Michael J. Guralnick, University of Washington
    Director, Center on Human Development and Disability - Professor of Psychology and Pediatrics -University of Washington


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