Prevalence and factors associated with peripheral and central adiposity in primary school students in Brazil
skinfold thickness, adolescent, risk factors, prevalence, anthropometryAbstract
The objective was to identify the prevalence of excess central adiposity and peripheral schoolchildren and its relationship with sedentary activities and physical activity level. Cross-sectional study was conducted with 524 elementary school student’s city of Bauru (SP). Structured protocol was used, the PAQ-C and measured subscapular skinfolds thickness (PCS) and triciptal (TSF). There were descriptive analyses, bivariate and multivariate logistic regression. The PCT and PCS rates were respectively 13.6% and 16.5% in boys and 15.4% and 12.6%. In girls the frequency above three times a week on the computer and its use for more than three hours if associated with elevated PCT, low level of physical activity was associated with elevated PCS in boys, low level of physical activity and use of computer and / or video games for more
than three hours/day were associated with higher PCS in boys. The frequency and number of hours in sedentary and low physical activity are important predictors of adiposity among children.
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