diabetes mellitus, autonomic nervous system, heart rate, functional capacity.Abstract
Objectives: Evaluation of heart rate variability (HRV) during cardiovascular autonomic tests and functional capacity of patients with type 1 and type 2 DM.
Methods: Fifteen individuals with DM and twelve healthy ones were evaluated during cardiovascular autonomic tests of maneuver enhancement of respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA), handgrip and Valsalva. In addition, the Paschoal test was applied to evaluate submaximal functional capacity. During the tests, autonomic heart rate variability (HRV) was collected by recording the RR intervals, considering the rates in the time domain (RMSSD and pNN50) and frequency domain, as low and high frequency (LF and HF) and the relationship between them (LF / HF). Besides the analysis of HRV and capillary glucose, the distance traveled during Paschoal test was also recorded. Results: The values related to blood glucose levels were significantly higher (p <0.05) in DM1 and DM2 groups compared to controls. PNN50 values for DM1 in all tests were lower compared to CDM1. No statistical difference was found when compared DM2 with CDM2. The distance of Paschoal test was similar between groups of individuals with diabetes and their respective controls. Conclusion: The variable pNN50 was lower in individuals with DM1, suggesting reduced of the parasympathetic activity in these individuals, but no change in functional capacity, as measured by Paschoal test when compared to the control group.Downloads
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