maternity. adolescence. formal education. Iabor.Abstract
This research aimed lo investigate lhe education and employment situation of young girls who experience prematuro maternity and to establish a relation between teenager pregnancy and school dropout, comparing the educacional and employment reality of young mothers from communities in lhe states of Bahia and Sergipe. To achieve this, home visits were made to eightypregnant teenagers or young mothers from poor communities in the two capitais. The results showed that more than half of them had already been out of school when they got pregnant and
many of them left school after they discovered they were pregnant. Although they have been helped by the government, only few of them continued studying. Most of them did not work
before the pregnancy; some of them started working after the maternity, mainly as housekeepers. It is possible to suppose that education is not linked with the culture of these communities. The
social value of the woman is restricted to maternity, which is highly valued in the group and which gives them the adult status. Therefore, instead of viewing premature pregnancy as causing
exclusion, our study showed that it seems to be caused by the social abandonment that victimizes these poor young girls.
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