Maternal mental disease, parental styles and social support: study of the conceptions of the mothers and adolescents in the countryside of São Paulo state


  • Andrea Ruzzi-Pereira Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto; Departamento de Medicina Social
  • Jair Lício Ferreira Santos Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto; Departamento de Medicina Social



mental health, social support, maternal care, the depressive disorder, anxiety disorder


An observation of the women in the mental health service motivated the interest in researching as such mothers take care of their children and how these ones perceive this care. This study objectified to identify associations between parental practices of mental diseased mothers, social support and social-economical conditions; verify possible differences between parental practices of diseased mothers and healthy mothers. It is a quantitative, case-control study. Participated in this study 41 mental diseased women and their teenager children and 41 healthy mother-child dyads. It was observed a bigger dissatisfaction with the received social support to the sick mothers, that in these families the fathers are less responsive than the fathers of the compared group; mothers of the comparison group are more demanding and responsive than of the study group; the familiar economical situation also influences the maternal care. It is concluded that mood disorders, specially the depressive and anxiety disorder, the received social support and financial conditions influences the maternal care.


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