The place of the family in the social network of leisure after retirement


  • Raquel Pedreira da Cruz Azevedo Universidade de São Paulo; Instituto de Psicologia
  • Ana Maria Almeida Carvalho Universidade de São Paulo; Instituto de Psicologia



Leisure, Retirement, Family


This paper aims at the identification of the place of the family in the social networks of leisure relationships constructed in the phase of retirement. In-depth interviews were conducted with six retired participants of both genders, married, receiving private complementary retirement wages and affiliated with Retired People Associations. The results suggest that the social networks of leisure in this phase focus on the extended family group (adult sons and daughters, sons- and daughters-in-law and grandchildren), favoring intergenerational relationships. They also indicate a reduction in the expansion of extra-family relationships, with increased selectivity towards new friendships and consolidation of old friendships, and the emergence of parental solidarity due to greater availability of time to care for others.


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