A study about the violence in two graphic stories
Graphic stories, Mangas, ViolenceAbstract
Graphic stories (also known as comics) are one of the most ancient forms of expression of mankind. They reflect society values and can serve as a form of education. The research aims to recognize violence descriptors, stylized as aggressive imagery and intentionality of commiting a violent act in the characters of Fushigi Yûgi and Yu Yu Hakushô, which are graphic stories of japanese origin (also known as Manga). Statistical descriptive analysis linked to semiologic analysis was used as a procedure to recognize the main components which have been exposed. From some results it was discovered that these visual resources contain not only explicit violence, but also intentional violence, the first bein more pervasive, and that characters of the masculine gender are more aggressive than the ones of feminine gender. It can also be concluded that this stories should not be considered as the unique and most dangerous sources of violence in society.References
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