Network tags for information retrieval in the context of Iterative Representation


  • José Eduardo Santarem Segundo Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras da Universidade de São Paulo (FFCLRP/USP)
  • Silvana Aparecida Borsetti Gregorio Vidotti Departamento de Ciência da Informação da Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências, Unesp, campus de Marília



Digital Repositories, Iterative Representation, Folksonomy, Folksonomy Assisted, Semantic Web, Network Tags


Information retrieval is a recurrent subject in search of information science. This kind of study aim to improve results in both searches on the Web and in various other digital information environment. In this context, the Iterative Representation model suggested for digital repositories, appears as a differential that changes the paradigm of self-archiving of digital objects, creating a concept of relationship between terms that link the user thought the material deposited in the digital environment. The links effect by the Iterative Representation aided Assisted Folksonomy generate a shaped structure that connects networks, vertically and horizontally, the objects deposited, relying on some kind of structure for representing knowledge of specialty areas and therefore, creating an information network based on knowledge of users. The network of information created, called the network of tags is dynamic and effective a different model of information retrieval and study of digital information repositories.


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How to Cite

SANTAREM SEGUNDO, José Eduardo; VIDOTTI, Silvana Aparecida Borsetti Gregorio. Network tags for information retrieval in the context of Iterative Representation. InCID: Revista de Ciência da Informação e Documentação, Ribeirão Preto, Brasil, v. 2, n. 1, p. 86–109, 2011. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2178-2075.v2i1p86-109. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 jun. 2024.