Indexing and ethics policy
an analysis of ethical values in indexing policy manuals
Indexing policy, Ethical values, Representation of informationAbstract
Ethics in the representation of information is increasingly considered, and ethical values have been discussed, both in the work of the librarian and in his tasks. Definitions of ethics are outlined in the general context and in the context of information representation, such as the relevance of ethics in an indexing policy. The methodology of the research is based on an exploratory and theoretical approach, in which its objects of study were two manuals of indexation policy, being one of a university library and another of a school library. Thus, through the importance given to ethics, in the context of the organization and representation of information, indexing policy manuals for a university library and a school library were analyzed. It was possible to observe that there are some ethical values in indexing policy manuals, including common values, highlighting the prominent ones and their pertinence in the information retrieval. values, highlighting the prominent ones and their pertinence in the retrieval of the information.
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