O Poder e a Vigilância: o nascimento da prisão decorrente da metamorfose punitiva e reflexões do sistema penitenciário a partir do pensamento foucaultiano
Michel Foucault, Sistema Carcerário, Vigilância, Poder, Disciplina, PanópticoAbstract
The main focus of this research is to analyze the punitive system by the optics of the illustrious french phylosopher Michel Foucault. By producing this project seeks out to evidence the sentence transformation over time and portray the contribution of power, discipline and surveillance in the process. It is notorious to highlight that there was not an attention to social justice when related to prisoners and the actual jail model recently appeared, being improved from a more humanized Law perspective. The intent is to evince that the individual, through surveillance practices, becomes to be molded and transformed in a docile/gentle useful body, subject to changes and economically productive to the State. It aims to approach the problematization around the individualization, normatization, disciplinarization and the formation of powers and knowledge controllers.
Keywords: Michel Foucault. Prison System. Surveillance. Power. Discipline. Panotic.
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