Art and politics: artivism as a world changing language and form of action




Art, Politics, Artivism, Dissent, Aesthetics of confrontation


In a present described as one of crisis and uncertainty, different people and groups question themselves and seek answers about how to inhabit
a world that is crumbling at the hands of extractivism, productivism, progress and consumerist dissatisfaction. Alternative horizons are proposed to this global necropolitics, where new encounters and ways of being-with-others can be established. And, in the meantime, art(ivism) is assumed as a concrete device “to postpone the end of the world,” for life and for other possible worlds. What idea of future stimulate artistic projects and performances, collective or in soliloquies? What new meanings in contemporary art practices connect people and worlds, create ecologies and environments for interventions, and formulate desires in the generation of new political communities? Like politics, art is a matter of life and death, but perhaps by opposing arguments. Can it change destiny as an aesthetic of confrontation?


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Author Biography

  • Paulo Raposo, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

    Paulo Raposo holds a PhD and a Master’s degree in Social Anthropology from the Instituto Universitário de Lisboa [University Institute of Lisbon – ISCTE]. He studied Social Anthropology at the University of São Paulo (USP). He is currently an assistant professor at ISCTE and a member of the Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia [Center for Research in Anthropology – CRIA] and of the Audiovisual Laboratory of CRIA-ISCTE. Email:


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Dossier Worlds in Performance: 20 Years Napedra

How to Cite

Raposo, Paulo. 2023. “Art and Politics: Artivism As a World Changing Language and Form of Action”. GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Journal 8 (1): e202989.