Religions: their images, performances and rituals | Call for papers


Call for papers for dossier

Instigated by the intelligible and sensorial religious knowledge of traditional religions and the diverse forms of spiritual belonging that escape formal religious structure, but connect  human beings with what they consider to be sacred, we seek in this dossier to make a map of the representations that permeate their images, their performances that bring to light sacred rituals and sense of belonging. Expressive forms acquire different nuances in religious spaces, in view of certain restrictions, meaning that researchers must resort to different aesthetic and research strategies in composing their imagetic and performatic universe. The symbolic universe of religious rituals, the digressions between religion and politics, the expressions of decoloniality, the body given over to devotion and other analyses involving discussions about sensorial expressions in images, performances, poetry etc., are welcome.



Francirosy Campos Barbosa (USP), Pedro Simonard (UNIT), Rubens Alves da Silva (UFMG)



NEW: 05/16/2021


Submissions and guidelines for authors