Sum and Sub-tractions: territorialities and theatrical reception





Theater, Reception teory, Dramaturgy, Theatrical criticism, Staging


Developing a panorama of the performing arts in the country, Edélcio Mostaço narrates through the authors, works, festivals and critics that marked contemporary dramaturgy, a fragment of the history of Brazil. The author also makes a careful presentation of the arrival of the reception theory and presents its scope and assimilation in Brazil.


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Author Biographies

  • Ruan Felipe Azevedo, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

    Teacher of Sociology at the state public network of São Paulo and at SESI – Osasco. Maintains research in anthropology and coordinates the theater group Cia. BARÁ. He is a Ph.D student in Anthropology at Universidade de São Paulo. For the last 5 years, he has dedicated himself to researching body composition in
    theater with emphasis on anthropological references, with works published on Teatro Oficina and Cia. BARÁ. E-mail:

  • Diego Gonçales, Fundação Escola de Sociologia e Política de São Paulo

    Teacher of Sociology in the state public education network of São Paulo, with published works in Education and Theater. Bachelor in Sociology from the Foundation of the Fundação Escola de Sociologia e Política de São Paulo, graduate in Brazilian Studies: society, education and culture and graduated in Theater from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. He is the founder and director of Cia. BARÁ, a theatrical group that for over ten years has been developing stage plays, workshops and theater studies. The latest works add to the theatricalization of Glauber Rocha’s movies: Deus e o Diabo na terra do sol, A idade da terra e Terra em transe, completing the cycle “Trilogia da Terra”. E-mail:


Deleuze, Gilles. 2000. A dobra: Leibniz e o barroco. São Paulo: Papirus.

Iser, Wolfgang. 1996. O ato da leitura: uma teoria do efeito estético: vol. 1. São Paulo: Editora 34.

Jauss, Hans Robert. 1978. Petite apologie de l’expérience esthétique. In Pour une esthétique de la réception, Hans Robert Jauss, 50-89. Paris: Gallimard.

Lima, Luiz Costa. 1979. A literatura e o leitor: textos de estética da recepção. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra.

Mostaço, Edélcio. 2015. Soma e sub-tração: territorialidades e recepção teatral. São Paulo: Edusp.





T.I.R. - Translations, Interviews and Reviews

How to Cite

Azevedo, Ruan Felipe, and Diego Gonçales. 2020. “Sum and Sub-Tractions: Territorialities and Theatrical Reception: Review”. GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Journal 5 (1).