With films came freedom: Cineground, memory of a portuguese queer cinematography from the 1970s





Amateur cinema, Travestite performance, Queer theory, LGBT rights, Cineground


Cineground (1975-1978) was a Portuguese amateur film producer, founded during Ongoing Revolutionary Period by artist Óscar Alves and filmmaker João Paulo Ferreira. Also revolutionary due to the approach of sexualities still criminalized in the 1970’s, this project has shown that the true liberation of society would require the liberation of the individual body. This cinematography produced in Super-8, and characteristic of the particular social conditions of the format, addressed for the first time in Portuguese cinema the gay subject, with the representation of the double life of homosexuals and the issue of coming out, and also queer subjects, due to the constant presence of the transvestite character. I suggest a discussion around the transvestite performance as a possibility of transgression and denaturalization of normative norms of gender and identity, and a critique on the representation and visibility of LGBT people in cinema, especially in  Cineground, becomes their vehicle of existence.


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Author Biography

  • Mariana Gonçalves, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

    Mariana Gonçalves (Beja, 1984) has a degree in International Relations from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (FEUC) and a Masters in Anthropology in the specialty of Migration, Globalization and Multiculturalism from ISCTE-IUL. The research on Cineground's cinematography (1975-1978) led to participations in the National Congress of Anthropology: Antropologia em Contraponto in September 2013, and in the International Conference INTIMATE: Queering Parenting organized by CES and FEUC in March 2016, and additionally, to collaborations on cultural events such as FBAUP's film society Sombra Cineclube and Groove Ball. Currently working on a webdoc about the film producer.


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Dossier Arts and anthropologies

How to Cite

Gonçalves, Mariana. 2019. “With Films Came Freedom: Cineground, Memory of a Portuguese Queer Cinematography from the 1970s”. GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Journal 4 (1): 157-81. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2525-3123.gis.2019.152959.