Dossiê: “Turismo em tempos de Pandemia”


  • Rita de Cássia Ariza da Cruz Universidade de São Paulo
  • Carolina Todesco Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Faculdade de Engenharia, Letras e Ciências Sociais do Seridó



Dossiê, Covid-19, Apresentação


This dossier is the result of uninterrupted work, carried out over the last two and a half years, by the International Research Network “Tourism in times of a pandemic: a multi and trans-scalar analysis”, whose general coordination is housed in the Laboratory of Regional Studies-LERGEO, of the Department of Geography at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences-FFLCH at the University of São Paulo, which currently brings together researchers from 32 Teaching and Research Institutions in Brazil, Argentina, Mozambique and Portugal. In addition, this dossier adds to 4 others dossier published in widely circulated journals in Brazil (Caderno Virtual de Turismo, Revista GEOUERJ, Revista Formação) and abroad, such as Revista Confins Franco-Brasileira. Two other books, a book of essays, published in early 2021 by Editora da FFLCH/USP, and a book with research results achieved during this period (which is under preparation), denote the great work capacity of the researchers of the Network as well as its commitment to the production of critical knowledge on the deleterious effects of the pandemic crisis on the tourism sector, on the responses given by society, the State and market agents in the face of the imponderable and on perspectives for the future of the activity. in the countries studied.


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Author Biography

  • Rita de Cássia Ariza da Cruz, Universidade de São Paulo

    Geógrafa, com mestrado e doutorado em Geografia, área de Geografia Humana. Docente do Departamento de Geografia da FFLCH/USP.


CRUZ, R. C. A. O evento da Covid-19 e seus impactos sobre o setor turismo: em busca de uma análise multi e trans-escalar. Raoit, v. 14, 2020. Número especial. doi:

SERRA, H. R. H. Editorial. Formação, Presidente Prudente, v. 29, n. 55, 2022. Dossiê.





Dossiê: Turismo em tempos de pandemia

How to Cite

CRUZ, Rita de Cássia Ariza da; TODESCO, Carolina. Dossiê: “Turismo em tempos de Pandemia”. GEOUSP Espaço e Tempo (Online), São Paulo, Brasil, v. 26, n. 3, p. 171–174, 2022. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2179-0892.geousp.2022.203673. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.