Lyrical and poetic america from the jack kérouac’s on the road




Cultural landscape, Poetic literature, Sensitive geography, Movement-landscape, Kérouac


The purpose of this text is to highlight the ways of understanding the geography of the book On the Road with a discussion on imagery and poetic geography. At first, you get a glimpse of the underlying context, which is Kérouac’s grasp on “how” America is perceived and revealed, through textual architecture and the creation of language. In addition the reader will discover the characteristics of the movement beat. Kérouac was considered an avatar and this book was considered the bible. Two landscapes in the novel will be presented, natural/urban and urban/city.It concludes by reaffirming the sensitive vicinity between literature and geography, by the both the reflection of being a man in this world and mans relation to the world through the way he lives.


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Author Biography

  • Maria Geralda de Almeida, Universidade Federal de Goiás

    Atualmente é professora colaboradora da Universidade Federal de Sergipe, professora titular da Universidade Federal de Goiás onde é pesquisadora do Laboratório de Estudos e Pesquisas das Dinâmicas Territoriais-LABOTER


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How to Cite

Lyrical and poetic america from the jack kérouac’s on the road. (2018). Revista Geografia Literatura E Arte, 1(2), 111-132.