Dreams of sand - climbing the mountain - digging rock - collecting sand

daydreams of matter in the art of Goindira do Couto





Daydreams of matter, Poetics of the earth, Goiandira do Couto


This essay is intended to explore the universe of art through the universe of material dreams. In this universe, the desire to explore the painting requested emerges by the elements in the light of the daydreams of matter. Would we need a more compelling motivation to venture into such a seductive universe in the field of geography? If a painter carries out a transmutation of matter and finds a fundamental material element to root his work? In daydreams in a working action, in art, we look for the creation that we revive if we become aware of the stepped initial matter, excavated and extracted by the hands that paint it. Primitive art dreamed in "screens" by the corporeal and poetic sensibility. This is the overjoy of Dreams of Sand!


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Author Biography

  • Lúcia Helena Batista Gratão, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

    Professora-Adjunto do Departamento de Geociências da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Pós-doutora em Geografia, pela Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Rio Claro (SP)


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How to Cite

Dreams of sand - climbing the mountain - digging rock - collecting sand: daydreams of matter in the art of Goindira do Couto. (2018). Revista Geografia Literatura E Arte, 1(2), 90-110. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2594-9632.geoliterart.2018.174371