Perfil da fisioterapia na reabilitação de indivíduos com doença de Alzheimer: um estudo transversal




Alzheimer Disease, Physical Therapy Modalities, Problems and Exercises, Recovery of Function, Cognition


This study analyzes the working profile of physical
therapists from the states of Rio de Janeiro (RJ) and Rio Grande
do Sul (RS) in the management of people with Alzheimer’s
disease (AD). A total of 256 responses were obtained to a
questionnaire sent via the electronic address of the Regional
Councils of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy
(CREFITOS) 2 (RJ) and 5 (RS), from March to December 2020.
The questionnaire comprises 36 closed questions, the variables
of which were grouped into: (1) sample characterization;
(2) specific data on the profession of physical therapist; and
(3) issues related to AD. In this article, only issues related to AD
will be analyzed. All questions were multiple choice with 2 to
15 options of answer. Most respondents (88.3%) had already
treated patients with AD, but 50.8% needed to review the
literature to assist these patients. The main objective reported
in the management of the individual with AD was to “delay the
progression of motor losses.” The practices were significantly
different according to the stage of the disease (p<0.001).
More than 85% of the participants cited as a benefit that
physical therapy “delays physical dependence.” This study
shows the need for further studies that specifically address it impossible to create manuals and /or standardization of specific
practices for each stage
the intermediate and advanced stages of AD since the current
literature is inconclusive and with little evidence regarding
physical therapy in the management of this population, making


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Original Research

How to Cite

Perfil da fisioterapia na reabilitação de indivíduos com doença de Alzheimer: um estudo transversal. (2022). Fisioterapia E Pesquisa, 29(4), 357-362.