Electrostimulation in the control of pain in primary dysmenorrhea





Dysmenorrhea, Analgesia, Electric Stimulation Therapy


Primary dysmenorrhea is a gynecological disorder characterized by cyclic pain in the lower back and abdomen, with a high prevalence among young people, contributing to absenteeism. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of low and medium frequency electrotherapy in 30 female participants, aged 18-26 years and who suffer from primary dysmenorrhea. The participants were divided into groups that received: TENS current (100 Hz frequency and pulse duration of 100 μs), Aussie Current (4Khz carrier modulated at 100 Hz, bursts of 4ms) and Placebo (placement of electrodes with the device turned off). All treated groups received current at the sensory threshold and intensity adjustment every 5 minutes, with a total time of 30 minutes.  Pain during the menstrual cycle (VAS), influence of pain on activities of daily living and sleep quality (Analog Visual Sleep Scales) were collected for the evaluation. After statistical analysis, it can be concluded that there was a significant reduction in pain in all evaluated groups, with the current being better than placebo. Regarding ADLs, all groups showed significant difference, but the Aussie group was the only one that improved in the three days evaluated. Sleep quality changed little after the proposed treatments, requiring further studies to support this variable.



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Original Research

How to Cite

Electrostimulation in the control of pain in primary dysmenorrhea. (2022). Fisioterapia E Pesquisa, 29(2), 154-161. https://doi.org/10.1590/1809-2950/21006929022022PT