Effects of auriculotherapy with mustard seeds on chronic lumbar pain of nursing professionals





Low Back Pain, Auricolotherapy, Nursing Professionals


More than 60% of nursing workers have an isode of low back pain for one year, causing a negative socioeconomic impact, as this is one of the major causes of absence from work. Auriculotherapy is a low-cost, noninvasive acupuncture technique that utilizes the auricular pavillion as a microsystem of the human organism mapped by points that when stimulated can treat various ailments.
Thus, the aim of this study was to verify the efficacy of mustard seed auriculotherapy (Brassica juncea) in improving pain, functionality and lumbar mobility of female technical
professionals and nursing assistants with chronic low back pain. A blind randomized clinical trial was onducted, divided into two groups: one used mustard seeds for acupressure in the ear points “Shen-Men”, “Kidney”, “Sympathetic” and “Lumbar Spine” and the other placebo group used low density polyurethane foam in place of seeds. Both groups performed four auriculotherapy sessions, one per week. The groups were analyzed using infrared thermograms and pressure algometry for pain, finger-floor measurement for mobility and Roland-Morris Questionnaire for spine functionality, with a 95% confidence interval. Mustard seed auriculotherapy reduced the average temperature in the thermograms analyzed by 0.8 ° C, as well as increased the pain threshold to lumbar spine pressure of the volunteers by 0.4 Kgf, which shows a significant improvement of low back pain. Therefore, mustard seed auriculotherapy was effective in  improving low back pain.


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Original Research

How to Cite

Effects of auriculotherapy with mustard seeds on chronic lumbar pain of nursing professionals. (2023). Fisioterapia E Pesquisa, 28(2), 136-144. https://doi.org/10.1590/1809-2950/19028128022021