Profile of scientific academic background and production of researcher physical therapists in Brazil




Physiotherapy, Scientific Production Indicators, Curriculum, Researches, Researchers


To evaluate the academic background and scientific productions’ profile of researcher physiotherapists in Brazil. The study was cross-sectional in design and performed by analyzing the professional resumes that have been updated within the last 5 years in the Lattes Platform of the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq). The main variables analyzed were sex, geographical distribution, kind of undergraduate institution, working location, complementary training, scientific production, and participation in events. The analysis was carried out on 17,864 curricula which were within the selection criteria, out of a total of 47,741. There was a predominance of female therapists (75.5%) and therapists from the southeast region (35%). Most have completed their undergraduate degree in private institutions (75%) and graduate programs (61.4%), and work at universities (30%). Males perform better (p <0.001) in scientific productions, participation in events, and complementary training activities.
Graduates from public institutions have more scientific productions, events, and complementary training activities (p<0.001). However, professionals that have completed their undergraduate degree in private institutions do graduate programs the most (p=0.05).
Most researcher physical therapists in Brazil are females, have completed their undergraduate degrees in the Southeast region and in private institutions, have completed graduate programs and work in universities. Despite the female predominance, male professionals and those therapists who have completed their
undergraduate degree from public institutions have a greater amount of scientific productions, participation in events and complementary degrees.


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Original Research

How to Cite

Profile of scientific academic background and production of researcher physical therapists in Brazil. (2023). Fisioterapia E Pesquisa, 28(1), 60-69.