Association of chronic pain with strength, levels of stress, sleep and quality of life in women over 50 years




Pain, Elderly, Chronic Disease, Physical Activity, Quality of Life


The literature presents the need for investigations related to the chronic osteoarticular pains of older adults, which are more prevalent in women, since they negatively influence biopsychosocial parameters. To understand the relationship between pain dimensions and health parameters of these individuals is necessary for a better preventive and therapeutic approach. This study aims to identify associations between levels of chronic pain and levels of strength, quality of life, stress and sleep in women. Participants were recruited from a physical education program for older adults, aged between 50 and 70 years. Pain was assessed using a multidimensional instrument on pain parameters. Global cognitive status, physical activity level, quality of life, stress and sleep were also assessed. The muscular strength of the participants was analyzed using the sit up test and the elbow flexion and extension test. The participants were 56 women, mean age 63.7±7.7 years, and 28.7±4.7 kg/m2 body mass index (BMI). Most participants reported feeling pain (89.2%), 21.4% reported lower limb pain, and 67.8% reported experiencing upper limb pain. The sensory dimension of pain was associated with stress, but not with the other variables, which were not related to any aspects of pain. In addition, there may be an influence of age in the interpretation of evaluative pain.


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Original Research

How to Cite

Association of chronic pain with strength, levels of stress, sleep and quality of life in women over 50 years. (2019). Fisioterapia E Pesquisa, 26(2), 170-177.