The relation between diaphragmatic mobility and spinal curvatures in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease


  • Márcia Aparecida Gonçalves Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (Udesc) – Florianopólis (SC), Brasil
  • Bruna Estima Leal Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (Udesc) – Florianópolis (SC), Brasi
  • Gabriella Da Cunha Viegas Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina; Curso de Graduação em Fisioterapia
  • Mariana Nunes Lúcio Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina; Curso de Graduação em Fisioterapia
  • Giovana Zarpellon Mazo Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina; Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências do Movimento Humano
  • Elaine Paulin Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina; Curso de Graduação e Pós-Graduação em Fisioterapia



Pulmonary Disease Chronic Obstructive, Diaphragm, Spine


In the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), patients may have reduced diaphragmatic mobility and a series of compensations in the thoracic spine, the scapular and pelvic girdles. However, the relation between diaphragmatic mobility and postural changes in these individuals’ vertebral column and pelvis is not clear. The aim of this study was to verify if there is a relation between diaphragmatic mobility and spinal curvatures in patients with COPD and in apparently healthy individuals. Were evaluated 22 patients with COPD and 22 apparently healthy individuals. The evaluations consisted of: anthropometry, spirometry, diaphragmatic mobility and postural evaluation. Four postural alterations were analyzed: cervical lordosis, thoracic kyphosis, lumbar lordosis, pelvic position. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups, in relation to the variables age, body mass, stature and BMI, confirming that the groups were paired. There was no statistically significant difference in any of the variables related to spinal curvatures and pelvic position between the studied groups. In the COPD group, there was a correlation between diaphragmatic mobility and thoracic kyphosis (r=-0.543; p=0.009). Regarding the group of apparently healthy individuals, there was no correlation of mobility as the apparently healthy individuals presented the same angles of curvature of the vertebral column and the same position of the pelvis. However, there was a relation between diaphragmatic mobility and the angle of the thoracic curvature in patients with COPD.


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Original Research

How to Cite

The relation between diaphragmatic mobility and spinal curvatures in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. (2017). Fisioterapia E Pesquisa, 24(3), 245-252.