Application of the scale Spinal Alignment and Range of Motion Measure (SAROMM) in children and adults with cerebral palsy in a compartment institution in Porto Alegre (RS)




Cerebral Palsy, Disability Evaluation, Physiotherapy


This study described the profile of institutionalized children and adults with cerebral palsy (CP), as well as their musculoskeletal alterations, spinal alignment and range of motion; and to outline strategies to minimize the advance of already present deformities. This is a cross-sectional and descriptive study. Children and adults with cerebral palsy from a shelter in the city of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul were evaluated (n=28). The Spinal Alignment and Range of Motion Measure (SAROMM) scale was used to assess deformities and the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) was used to classify the functional level. 96% of the subjects were spastic; 42.85% of the total number of participants had motor level V; the greatest deformities found were in the knee, hip and spine, evaluated by the SAROMM Scale, associated with older age and spastic quadriplegia, with clinical diagnosis in the medical record. Subjects over 20 years old had an average score of 68.7 (ranges from 0 to 104) and subjects under 20 years old, their average score was 55.1 points, wherein the lower the value the better the alignment and the less deformities. Subjects with CP of a shelter location had, mostly, bilateral spasticity of the four limbs, their predominant GMFCS level was V and the major deformities found were joint changes in knees, hip and spine. Strategies should be drawn and executed as early as possible to reduce deformities and the SAROMM scale may be a choice to evaluate this audience.


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Lier-Devitto MF, Dudas TL. Institucionalização de pessoas com

paralisia cerebral: a difícil relação sujeito-outro-linguagem.

Lingüística. 2016;32(1):9-23. doi: 10.5935/2079-312X.20160001

Wotherspoon J, Whittingham K, Boyd RN, Sheffield J. Randomised

controlled trial of a novel online cognitive rehabilitation

programme for children with cerebral palsy: a study protocol. BMJ

Open. 2019;9(6):e028505. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-028505

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. ACOG

Committee Opinion, number 326: inappropriate use of the terms fetal

distress and birth asphyxia. Obstet Gynecol. 2005;106(6):1469-70.

doi: 10.1097/00006250-200512000-00056

Pfeifer LI, Silva DBR, Funayama CAR, Santos JL. Classification

of cerebral palsy: association between gender, age, motor type,

topography and gross motor function. Arq Neuro-Psiquiatr.

;67(4):1057-61. doi: 10.1590/S0004-282X2009000600018

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Data and statistics

for cerebral palsy [Internet]. Atlanta: Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention; [cited 2020 Nov 5]. Available from:

Novak I, Morgan C, Adde L, Blackman J, Boyd RN, BrunstromHernandez J, et al. Early, accurate diagnosis and early intervention

in cerebral palsy: Advances in diagnosis and treatment. JAMA

Pediatr. 2017;171(9):897-907. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2017.1689

Catena F, Moraes ER, Lemos AVKC, Yamane PC, Blumetti FC,

Dobashi ET, Pinto JA. Estudo clínico do quadril não tratado na

tetraparesia espástica. Rev Bras Ortop. 2011;46 (Suppl 4);21-6.

doi: 10.1590/S0102-36162011001000005

Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Diretrizes de atenção à pessoa com

paralisia cerebral. Brasília, DF: Ministério da Saúde; 2013.

Olama KA, Kassem HI, Aboelazm SN. Impact of aquatic exercise

program on muscle tone in spastic hemiplegic children with

cerebral palsy. Clin Med J. 2015;1(4):138-44.

Silva EM, Silva TAS, Balk RS, Lopes RR, Santos CC, Lara S, et al.

Avaliação do alinhamento postural e extensibilidade muscular

pela escala SAROMM em crianças com paralisia cerebral

após fisioterapia aquática. Fisioter Bras. 2017;18(6):719-26.

doi: 10.33233/fb.v18i6.2054

Agut T, Póo P, Launes C, Auffant M, Iriondo M. Incidence of

cerebral palsy in a cohort of preterm infants with a gestational

age of less than 28 weeks.An Pediatr (Barc). 2015;82(1):49-50.

doi: 10.1016/j.anpedi.2013.12.016

Monteiro CBM. Realidade virtual na paralisia cerebral. São

Paulo: Plêiade; 2011.

Dinomais M, Hertz-Pannier L, Groeschel S, Chabrier S, Delion

M, Husson B, et al. Long term motor function after neonatal

stroke: Lesion localization above all. Hum Brain Mapp.

;36(12):4793-807. doi: 10.1002/hbm.22950

Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad. Guía

de práctica clínica sobre encefalopatía hipóxico-isquémica

perinatal en el recién nacido. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad,

Servicios Sociales e Igualdad; 2015.

Santos AF. Paralisia cerebral: uma revisão da literatura.

Unimontes Cient. 2015;16(2):67-82.

Bartlett D, Purdie B. Testing of the spinal alignment and range

of motion measure: a discriminative measure of posture and

flexibility for children with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol.

;47(11):739-43. doi: 10.1017/S0012162205001556

CanChild Centre for Childhood Disability Research. GMFCS –

E & R: Sistema de Classificação da Função Motora Grossa

ampliado e revisto. Hamilton: CanChild; 2007.

Hemming K, Hutton JL, Pharoah PO. Long-term suvival for a

cohort of adults with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol.

;48(2):90-5. doi: 10.1017/S0012162206000211

Donkervoort M, Roebroeck M, Wiegerink D, van der HeijdenMaessen H, Stam H, Transition Research Group South West

Netherlands. Determinants of functioning of adolescents

and young adults with cerebral palsy. Disabil Rehabil.

;29(6):453-63. doi: 10.1080/09638280600836018

Filho PCN, Duarte FT, Fortes JPA, Júnior FFUS. Alterações no

comportamento elétrico cerebral de uma criança com paralisia

cerebral após atendimento com neurofeedback. Fisioter Bras.

;18(3):369-73. doi: 10.33233/fb.v18i3.1065

Echeverría-Palacio CM, Agut T, Arnaez J, Valls A, Reyne M, GarciaAlix A. Neuron-specific enolase in cerebrospinal fluid predicts

brain injury after sudden unexpected postnatal collapse. Pediatr

Neurol. 2019;101:71-7. doi: 10.1016/j.pediatrneurol.2019.02.020

Ribeiro MFM, Vandenberghe L, Prudente COM, Vila VSC,

Porto CC. Cerebral palsy: how the child’s age and severity

of impairment affect the mother’s stress and coping

strategies. Ciênc Saúde Coletiva. 2016;21(10):3203-12.

doi: 10.1590/1413-812320152110.17352016

Andersson C, Mattsson E. Adults with cerebral palsy: a

survey describing problems, needs, and resources, with

special emphasis on locomotion. Dev Med Child Neurol.

;43(2):76-82. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8749.2001.tb00719.x

Ávila ASC, Rocha CAQ. Atuação fisioterapêutica em paciente

com PC com tetraparesia espástica assimétrica: um estudo

de caso. Rev Cient Faminas. 2014;10(2):21-7.

Gomes CO, Golin MO. Tratamento fisioterapêutico na paralisia

cerebral tetraparesia espástica, segundo conceito Bobath. Rev

Neurociênc. 2013;21(2):278-85. doi: 10.4181/RNC.2013.21.757.8p

Fernandes MV, Fernandes AO, Franco RC, Golin MO, Santos

LA, Setter CM, et al. Adequações posturais em cadeira de

rodas: prevenção de deformidades na paralisia cerebral. Rev

Neurociênc. 2007;15(4):292-6

Lier-Devitto MF, Dudas TL. Institucionalização de pessoas com

paralisia cerebral: a difícil relação sujeito-outro-linguagem.

Lingüística. 2016;32(1):9-23. doi: 10.5935/2079-312X.20160001

Wotherspoon J, Whittingham K, Boyd RN, Sheffield J. Randomised

controlled trial of a novel online cognitive rehabilitation

programme for children with cerebral palsy: a study protocol. BMJ

Open. 2019;9(6):e028505. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-028505

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. ACOG

Committee Opinion, number 326: inappropriate use of the terms fetal

distress and birth asphyxia. Obstet Gynecol. 2005;106(6):1469-70.

doi: 10.1097/00006250-200512000-00056

Pfeifer LI, Silva DBR, Funayama CAR, Santos JL. Classification

of cerebral palsy: association between gender, age, motor type,

topography and gross motor function. Arq Neuro-Psiquiatr.

;67(4):1057-61. doi: 10.1590/S0004-282X2009000600018

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Data and statistics

for cerebral palsy [Internet]. Atlanta: Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention; [cited 2020 Nov 5]. Available from:

Novak I, Morgan C, Adde L, Blackman J, Boyd RN, BrunstromHernandez J, et al. Early, accurate diagnosis and early intervention

in cerebral palsy: Advances in diagnosis and treatment. JAMA

Pediatr. 2017;171(9):897-907. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2017.1689

Catena F, Moraes ER, Lemos AVKC, Yamane PC, Blumetti FC,

Dobashi ET, Pinto JA. Estudo clínico do quadril não tratado na

tetraparesia espástica. Rev Bras Ortop. 2011;46 (Suppl 4);21-6.

doi: 10.1590/S0102-36162011001000005

Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Diretrizes de atenção à pessoa com

paralisia cerebral. Brasília, DF: Ministério da Saúde; 2013.

Olama KA, Kassem HI, Aboelazm SN. Impact of aquatic exercise

program on muscle tone in spastic hemiplegic children with

cerebral palsy. Clin Med J. 2015;1(4):138-44.

Silva EM, Silva TAS, Balk RS, Lopes RR, Santos CC, Lara S, et al.

Avaliação do alinhamento postural e extensibilidade muscular

pela escala SAROMM em crianças com paralisia cerebral

após fisioterapia aquática. Fisioter Bras. 2017;18(6):719-26.

doi: 10.33233/fb.v18i6.2054

Agut T, Póo P, Launes C, Auffant M, Iriondo M. Incidence of

cerebral palsy in a cohort of preterm infants with a gestational

age of less than 28 weeks.An Pediatr (Barc). 2015;82(1):49-50.

doi: 10.1016/j.anpedi.2013.12.016

Monteiro CBM. Realidade virtual na paralisia cerebral. São

Paulo: Plêiade; 2011.

Dinomais M, Hertz-Pannier L, Groeschel S, Chabrier S, Delion

M, Husson B, et al. Long term motor function after neonatal

stroke: Lesion localization above all. Hum Brain Mapp.

;36(12):4793-807. doi: 10.1002/hbm.22950

Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad. Guía

de práctica clínica sobre encefalopatía hipóxico-isquémica

perinatal en el recién nacido. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad,

Servicios Sociales e Igualdad; 2015.

Santos AF. Paralisia cerebral: uma revisão da literatura.

Unimontes Cient. 2015;16(2):67-82.

Bartlett D, Purdie B. Testing of the spinal alignment and range

of motion measure: a discriminative measure of posture and

flexibility for children with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol.

;47(11):739-43. doi: 10.1017/S0012162205001556

CanChild Centre for Childhood Disability Research. GMFCS –

E & R: Sistema de Classificação da Função Motora Grossa

ampliado e revisto. Hamilton: CanChild; 2007.

Hemming K, Hutton JL, Pharoah PO. Long-term suvival for a

cohort of adults with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol.

;48(2):90-5. doi: 10.1017/S0012162206000211

Donkervoort M, Roebroeck M, Wiegerink D, van der HeijdenMaessen H, Stam H, Transition Research Group South West

Netherlands. Determinants of functioning of adolescents

and young adults with cerebral palsy. Disabil Rehabil.

;29(6):453-63. doi: 10.1080/09638280600836018

Filho PCN, Duarte FT, Fortes JPA, Júnior FFUS. Alterações no

comportamento elétrico cerebral de uma criança com paralisia

cerebral após atendimento com neurofeedback. Fisioter Bras.

;18(3):369-73. doi: 10.33233/fb.v18i3.1065

Echeverría-Palacio CM, Agut T, Arnaez J, Valls A, Reyne M, GarciaAlix A. Neuron-specific enolase in cerebrospinal fluid predicts

brain injury after sudden unexpected postnatal collapse. Pediatr

Neurol. 2019;101:71-7. doi: 10.1016/j.pediatrneurol.2019.02.020

Ribeiro MFM, Vandenberghe L, Prudente COM, Vila VSC,

Porto CC. Cerebral palsy: how the child’s age and severity

of impairment affect the mother’s stress and coping

strategies. Ciênc Saúde Coletiva. 2016;21(10):3203-12.

doi: 10.1590/1413-812320152110.17352016

Andersson C, Mattsson E. Adults with cerebral palsy: a

survey describing problems, needs, and resources, with

special emphasis on locomotion. Dev Med Child Neurol.

;43(2):76-82. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8749.2001.tb00719.x

Ávila ASC, Rocha CAQ. Atuação fisioterapêutica em paciente

com PC com tetraparesia espástica assimétrica: um estudo

de caso. Rev Cient Faminas. 2014;10(2):21-7.

Gomes CO, Golin MO. Tratamento fisioterapêutico na paralisia

cerebral tetraparesia espástica, segundo conceito Bobath. Rev

Neurociênc. 2013;21(2):278-85. doi: 10.4181/RNC.2013.21.757.8p

Fernandes MV, Fernandes AO, Franco RC, Golin MO, Santos

LA, Setter CM, et al. Adequações posturais em cadeira de

rodas: prevenção de deformidades na paralisia cerebral. Rev

Neurociênc. 2007;15(4):292-6





Original Research

How to Cite

Application of the scale Spinal Alignment and Range of Motion Measure (SAROMM) in children and adults with cerebral palsy in a compartment institution in Porto Alegre (RS). (2020). Fisioterapia E Pesquisa, 27(3), 277-286.