Fantasy, analogy and narcissism: an argument against the use of "instinct" as a translation of "Trieb"


  • Léa Silveira Universidade Federal de Lavras



Psychoanalysis, Freud, Translation, Trieb


The paper discusses a passage from the text "The unconscious" – the one in which Freud draws an analogy between fantasies and "animal instincts" – indicating it as something decisive to the debate on the translation of the term Trieb. Its analysis results in the defense of the impossibility of choosing "instinct" to translate Trieb, signaling to the related impossibility of carrying out a reduction of the major Freudian concepts to biology. If the attitude of criticizing such a reduction was sometimes characterized as narcissism, it will be necessary to state that this complaint relies on a concept that is conceivable only after the admission of the distance between nature and culture.


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How to Cite

Silveira, L. (2014). Fantasy, analogy and narcissism: an argument against the use of "instinct" as a translation of "Trieb". Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 19(1), 189-204.