The subjective time as a result of the Kantian doctrine of self-affection


  • Matías Orono Universidad de Buenos Aires



Kant, Self-affection, Subjective time, Schematism, Objective time


The aim of this work is to demonstrate that Kant's doctrine of self-affection leads to a consciousness of a purely subjective time. First, we analyze the §§ 8 and 24 of the Critique of Pure Reason in order to understand the distinction between an a priori and an empirical point of view about self-affection. Second, we compare the doctrine of self-affection with the transcendental schematism to underline that the a priori temporality of self-affection is not identified with the objective time of the schematism.



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How to Cite

Orono, M. (2014). The subjective time as a result of the Kantian doctrine of self-affection. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 19(1), 149-168.